International Business Women’s Group – Abu Dhabi
Monday, Jan 27th 2020, Four Seasons Hotel Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi – Liwa Ballroom. Join us and our panel of Specialists to discuss the impact of stress on your work, family, and social life.Learn how to take care of your physical, psychological, mental health and the importance of balancing health wealth and happiness
SPEC BRITE GROUP is now ISO 9001:2015 Certified!
Spec Brite Group is proud to be awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification, an internationally recognized standard that ensures that our services meet the needs of our clients through an effective quality management system. We have developed and implemented our quality management system in order to improve the overall performance, maintain a high-level of quality and strong […]
IBWG احتفالية اليوبيل الفضي لمجموعة سيدات الأعمال العالمية
أقامت مجموعة سيدات الأعمال العالمية IBWG بقيادة المهندسة كوليزار جونيان رئيسة المجموعة، تحت رعاية وحضور معالي الشيخة لبنى بنت خالد القاسمي، عشاء وحفل ساهر في فندق الفور سيزنس في جزيرة المارية في ابوظبي، للاحتفال باليوبيل الفضي لتأسيس المجموعة. في كلمة الافتتاح عبرت المهندسة كوليزار عن فرحتها الكبيرة برعاية معاليها للحفل والحضور المميز الذي ضم سفراء […]
International Business Women’s Group (IBWG) held an Annual Welcome Back Cocktail Reception Party last September 10, 2018 at Beach Rotana Hotel. It was attended by many members who extend their time networking with fellow members and witnessed the awarding ceremony for the new set of ambassadors. Dr. Mania El Baba was chosen to be one […]
Spec Brite Group Iftar Dinner 2018
Dr. Mania El Baba, Chairman/CEO of Spec Brite Group, had a wonderful time to bond together with her team during the Iftar dinner held at Sevilla Restaurant in Al Raha Beach Hotel Abu Dhabi. She gave a very inspiring word of encouragement to the team, being grateful for all the hard works valuable contributions of each […]